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Across the summer Crafty Creatures has been at Laurel Avenue and Kelloe Children's Centres to provide weekly crafts. Themes have varied each week, from jungle crafts, down on the farm to lets explore crafts.
The crafts are designed to suit a variety of ages, so children of all ages can participate. In addition to the themed crafts children have loved getting messy with finger paints and creating patterns and textures with paint and texture rollers.

Christ Church in Felling held a community festival and Crafty Creatures provided food related crafts to reinforce information about Gateshead's Soul Soup Project. Soul Soup is part of a wider Generations Together project, which aims to bring together over 1,700 local residents, young and old. The community-based work will enable local groups around the borough to set up a ‘Soul Soup CafĂ©’; a meeting place for people of all ages to come together to discuss what is important to them in their community.
Children and their families made a picnic collage and their own bowl of soup craft - along with a recipe to make their own summer vegetable soup.
What a busy time it's been over the last few months, Crafty Creatures was asked to provide crafts for Lobley Hill Community Festival in June. A lovely day was had by all and children left with bags fulls of crafts they had made.

More recently Crafty Creatures was asked to provide a "Healthy and Active" workshop for families at the Spring Saltwell Park Show. We lost count of how many children made the crafts, but there certainly was a lot! Children had the opportunity to make a collage of the Seaside and sports you may do there and a Woodland picture where lots of different textures and materials were used to create an active, outdoor themed collage.

Here's some photos of crafts from Isabella's 4th birthday party from early March. Isabella choose the theme Pirates & Princesses for the crafts and some great pirate boat pictures, pirate hats and crowns were made.
I know it's a little late as January is now over but hope you had a lovely time.
It's been a rather snowy start to the year but the crafts at Edward's Ben 10 party and the very pink Princesses at Lucy's party haven't reflected this. Apart from some glitter and angel dust you would never have guessed we've just come out of our festive season.
Comming up over the next few weeks are some Mr Men crafts at Hamish's 5th birthday party, Jungle crafts at Gateshead Old Town Hall and in March as part of World Book Week some Transport themed crafts at Brandon library.
Please keep checking for information of where Crafty Creatures will be or if you would like to book an event or party please contact me Nicola on 07966 297426