Then here are some examples from upcoming parties...High School Musical is still a popular choice, I'm going to the bottom of the ocean with SpongeBob Square Pants and his friends, to a galaxy far, far away with Star Wars, to a Fairy and Princess party, hero time with Ben 10, roaring with some Dinosaurs, jumping in muddy puddles with Peppa Pig, off to LazyTown with Sportacus and Stephanie and to a lovely "All About Me" party with Evie. If you would like to find out more about our parties then please contact me Nicola on 07737 286876 or
"Just to say thank you for the fantastic craft party, all of the children enjoyed it and couldn't have had a better time", - Claire, Piercebridge.

At the "All About Me" party the children loved exploring the clay and using lots of texture stampers on the outline of themselves!